Thursday, December 16, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

SAN JOSE MINE, CHILE - After 10 weeks in a dark, hot purgatory 2,000 feet underground, the first of 33 trapped miners were hoisted to freedom early Wednesday, a rescue marking the beginning of the end of a drama that captivated people worldwide. Florencio Avalos, 31, emerged in the cold of Chile's northern Atacama Desert just after midnight Wednesday (11 p.m. Eastern time Tuesday), 69 days after he and his fellow miners were sealed in a cavern. They were trapped Aug. 5 when hundreds of thousands of tons of rocks collapsed on the gold and copper mine.
A specially designed rescue capsule, sporting the Chilean flag and shaped like a missile, maneuvered deep into the Earth down a 28-inch-wide emergency shaft and extricated Avalos. He was welcomed back to the surface with spirited cheers and tearful hugs before medical personnel led him away for a checkup.
By Juan Forero and Jonathan Franklin
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
Another Gas Face Victory

On Thursday, Sanchez appeared on the XM Sirius radio program "Stand-Up with Pete Dominick." During the interview with Dominick, Sanchez called "The Daily Show's" Jon Stewart "a bigot" and then said that he was bigoted against "everybody else who's not like him. Look at his show, I mean, what does he surround himself with?"
Dominick pressed for specifics, and Sanchez, who is Cuban-American, responded, "That's what happens when you watch yourself on his show every day, and all they ever do is call you stupid."
Dominick, who was once the warm-up comic at Stewart's Comedy Central show and now has a spot on CNN's "John King, USA," noted that Stewart is Jewish and so a minority himself.
"I'm telling you that everybody who runs CNN is a lot like Stewart, and a lot of people who run all the other networks are a lot like Stewart, and to imply that somehow they, the people in this country who are Jewish, are an oppressed minority? Yeah," Sanchez responded.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Jesse Jackson rips Dan Gilbert’s comments saying that ‘LeBron was already set free by Abe Lincoln’

Jesse Jackson criticized Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert on Sunday, saying Gilbert sees LeBron James as a “runaway slave” but said that LeBron was considered free after Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation.
“He speaks as the master of LeBron and not the master of the entire team of slaves that he owns. His feelings of betrayal personify, even more, this slave master mentality that we are in. He sees him as a runaway slave, when actually, it should not be considered running away when ‘Honest Abe’ said he was free. And as a former slave, LeBron is just trying to respect his President.”
The slave owner from Cleveland wrote a scathing letter criticizing his slave who signed with an owner in Miami who had already worked out an arrangement to re-sign his own hardworking slave. Along with securing the services of a slave from up north in Canada, who traveled the Underground Railroad to Miami.
Jackson also called Gilbert’s comments an attack on all basketball playing slaves and said that all slave owners should face a “challenge” from the government and the Lincoln Administration.
“I am glad that our President Lincoln signed this Proclamation into law, but he must not stop there. LeBron is the first newly freed slave who was able to set a new precedent for Negroes who are able to run and jump. If Dan Gilbert is able to get away with this then every owner is going to come out making disparaging remarks against their former slaves, which could cause some issues down the road. I am just glad that there were some slaves who were able to secure their freedom before this became law. Slaves such as Harriet Tubman who you can see today playing in the WNBA.”
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Lawrence Taylor Indicted on Charges of Breaking Quarterback’s Leg

Pro Football Hall of Famer Lawrence Taylor was indicted Wednesday by a suburban New York grand jury of a 1985 crime that was broadcast on live television.
November 18, 1985 on Monday Night Football was the setting of this gruesome crime when a botched “flea flicker” play, sniffed out beautifully by LT, led to the linebacker sacking Joe Theismann and ending his career. Forcing that tool into year’s of torturing America as a broadcaster we have been suffering with ever since.
District Attorney Thomas Zugibe said that this has been an ongoing investigation for the past 25 years, but recent clippings on YouTube have provided investigators with all the proof they need.
“One of the most effective ways to target crimes on the NFL field is to go after the perpetrators. We were unsure of the culprit for all of these years because we have heard countless testimony of former NFL players who hated Theismann. But with the different views of the crime we were able to get from YouTube, we are quite confident that LT is our ear ringed man.”
Lawrence Taylor says that he has never seen video of the alleged crime but is positive that he was not involved.
“This is a vicious accusation by these investigators and I will exhaust every effort to prove my innocence. Yes, I was on the field when Mr. Theismann was hurt and I may even have played a part in the sack. But I was not the cause of his leg being broken. And I am tired of people using me waving to the Redskins’ sideline as proof that I did it. I was actually just trying to wave over the cameraman so he could get a close-up of me laying ‘Joey Sunshine’s’ ass out.”
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Aktivate, BBJ (Boom Bap Jesus)

I have a confession... I never listen to an album straight through. More on that later... When I first happened upon Ryknow in the early fall/late summer of 1989 in a Prince Georges county school cafeteria, a lanky, smile on his face, serious look in his eye, tall for his age kid carrying a trumpet case... Little did I know this "kid" would grow into full fledged artist, with not just just an understanding of perspective and pitch, but the gift to relay his own perspective in simplest of terms.
Fast forward to 2010... Aktivate!
The first time listening to Ry's offering was a bit strange for me. I had only seen him a week or two prior and asked him about the progress and true to his modest form, he gave me the, "eh, it's about ready" retort. I was like, "cool, can't wait to hear it." So when I finally sat down and committed to hear it I couldn't get his face out of my mind. It was a strange mixture of pride, admiration, and confusion. Here's my take on the effort...
Aktivate opens with a simple statement of truth furnished by longtime Phonetic Armageddon cohort J-Who?, over a what I can only describe as a daring (yes daring you to listen)type of beat. The beauty of Aktivate is suddenly revealed as the album moves easily and rightfully on to the aptly named Knowtime better than the Present; a melodic summertime scene setter. From there the album paces itself into Skatter Brush, a thought provoking track with a "timeout" feel to it... Bringing us to the title track "Aktivate" where Ryknow demonstrates his ability to encapsulate the sound of a whole album on one song, Aktive is your favorite rollercoaster's favorite rollercoaster. Next the album moves on to Blue Instrospektion, which I will admit is a bit confusing to me, but it's art and art is perspective. After, Blue Instrospektion, Aktivate does what few albums have dared to do... It grows in circumference with Sunday Morning, J-Pope's offerings on the track are simply stunning. J-Pope exhibits fine tuned time machine of a voice that will chase you through any era, catch you, and then deliver bars that are felt by anyone who has had or will have questions on spiritualism. It's definitely one that gets run back... As the album moves on to Toe Knee Grundgy, I have to admit when I first heard it, my exact thoughts were "Dear Boom Bap Jesus!" It is a moment in Boom Bap history that will resonate within the listeners head for quite some time. It might be my favorite effort of the album. Another beautiful moment/ability of the album is to cleanse your palate in a way. That's what the next track Falls does without much effort. The haunting Nas samples and laid back road tripesque vibe draw you back into your own thoughts of how you wish you would have or wouldn't have done certain things... Yet, I digress. Falls is the point of the album when you or I actually start to appreciate the artistry behind the music, the cuts (DJ SupaStar) and the engineering (Cam1). Perfectly placed track. No sooner than you are thinking about rewinding back to Falls you are flattened by the beautiful horns on the albums next offering 3Dreams... talk about timeless music and a standout and a reason to buy. 3Dreams is one of those tracks that cement an album. This brings me to Kinetic Duck Sauce... if you wont freestyle to this, then rhyming isn't your thing. Almost enough said... Kinetic Duck Sauce is definitely a feel good musical movement. Sometimes Hip Hop as a culture has to remind itself to have fun. Kinetic Duck Sauce does just that. "She was on a search and destroy mission." Ryknow's voice? These words grab your attention like cement hands closing around your neck. "Dear Leanne" 11 tracks in and we finally get a lyrical offering from Ryknow. Dear Leanne is uber poignant, honest, and emotional. What more can you ask for? At this point the album is speaking for itself as any and all great albums will and must do... it has become a self sustaining, self motivating piece of living art. Pardon Muah, the albums next offering is upbeat, fun, and nostalgic. String Fellow the next track only adds to the diversity of the album, String Fellow is screenplay/score quality music... *note to self* use it in your screenplay. As I stated earlier, the album has long since taken on a life of it's own, this point is driven home yet again on the thought provoking Master Prestidigitor. Just when you think the album can't get anymore diverse it jumps up with Comeletwego, if there was ever going to be a sword fight in Hip Hop, this would be the background music. Beautiful. Finally we are delivered to Unchained Heart, the last offering of the album? Ryknow closes with what to me seems like a musical thank you; and another encapsulating effort.
Aktivate... is it Ryknow's magnum opus? No, I don't think so. I think there is much more to come from him. The diversity displayed on Aktivate are it's strengths and weaknesses. In saying that however, I think that everyone's strength and weaknesses lay within their own display of diversity. All in all a beautiful, qualified, and timeless album. I am proud to say that I listened to Aktivate all the way through and will do so again. Ultimately to me Aktivate serves as a lesson on the big picture and the larger statement.
In closing, please support the church of Boom Bap Jesus by helping his child Ryknow:
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Nobody Bothers Me: The Sweet Science

Boxing is a combat sport and martial art in which two people fight using their fists. Boxing is typically supervised by a referee engaged in during a series of one- to three-minute intervals called rounds and the boxers generally of similar weight,. There are three ways to win; if the opponent is knocked out and unable to get up before the referee counts to ten seconds (a Knockout, or KO) or if the opponent is deemed too injured to continue (a Technical Knockout, or TKO). If there is no stoppage of the fight before an agreed number of rounds, a winner is determined either by the referee's decision or by judges' scorecards.
Fist fighting depicted in Sumerian relief carvings from the 3rd millennium BC, while an ancient Egyptian relief from the 2nd millennium BC depicts both fist-fighters and spectators. Both depictions show bare-fisted contests. In 1927 Dr. E. A. Speiser, an archaeologist, discovered a Mesopotamian stone tablet in Baghdad, Iraq depicting two men getting ready for a prize fight. The tablet is believed to be 7,000 years old. The earliest evidence for fist fighting with any kind of gloves can be found on Minoan Crete (c. 1500–900 BC), and on Sardinia, if we consider the boxing statues of Prama mountains (c. 2000–1000 BC).
In ancient Rome, there were two forms of boxing both coming from Etruscan boxing. The athletic form of boxing remained popular throughout the Roman world. The other form of boxing was gladiatorial. Fighters were usually criminals and slaves who hoped to become champions and gain their freedom; however, free men, women, and even aristocrats also fought. Gladiators wore lead "cestae" over their knuckles and heavy leather straps on their forearms to protect against blows. The deeply scarred and cauliflower eared figure of the Boxer of Quirinal show what a brutal sport it could be (matches often ending in the death or maiming of an opponent).
Eventually, fist fighting became so popular that even emperors started fighting, and the practice was promoted by Caesar Neronis. A fight between the agile Dares and the towering Entellus is described at length in the Roman national epic Aeneid (1st century BC).
In 393 A.D., the Olympics were banned by the Christian emperor Theodosius, and in 400 A.D., boxing was banned altogether by Theodoric the Great as boxing being an insult to God because it disfigures the face, the image of God. However, this edict had little effect outside the major cities of the Eastern Empire. By this time, western Europe was no longer part of the Roman Empire. Boxing remained popular in Europe throughout the Middle Ages and beyond. Wrestling, fencing and racing (both chariot and foot) were never banned by the late Romans, as they did not cause disfigurement.
Early fighting had no written rules. There were no weight divisions or round limits, and no referee. In general, it was extremely chaotic. The first boxing rules, called the Broughton's rules, were introduced by heavyweight champion Jack Broughton in 1743 to protect fighters in the ring where deaths sometimes occurred. Under these rules, if a man went down and could not continue after a count of 30 seconds, the fight was over. Hitting a downed fighter and grasping below the waist were prohibited. Broughton also invented and encouraged the use of "mufflers", a form of padded gloves, which were used in training and exhibitions.
In 1838, the London Prize Ring rules were codified. Later revised in 1853, they stipulated the following:
Fights occurred in a 24 feet (7.3 m)-square ring surrounded by ropes.
If a fighter was knocked down, he had to rise within 30 seconds under his own power to be allowed to continue.
Biting, headbutting and hitting below the belt were declared fouls.
Through the late nineteenth century, boxing or prizefighting was primarily a sport of dubious legitimacy. Outlawed in England and much of the United States, prizefights were often held at gambling venues and broken up by police. Brawling and wrestling tactics continued, and riots at prizefights were common occurrences. Still, throughout this period, there arose some notable bare knuckle champions who developed fairly sophisticated fighting tactics.
The Marquess of Queensberry rules is a code of generally accepted rules in the sport of boxing. They were named so because the 9th Marquess of Queensberry publicly endorsed the code. They are intended for use in both professional and amateur boxing matches, thus separating it from the less popular American Fair Play Rules which were strictly intended for amateur matches.
The boxing code was written by John Graham Chambers in 1865 and published in 1867 as "the Queensberry rules for the sport of boxing". This code of rules superseded the Revised London Prize Ring rules (1853), which had themselves replaced the original London Prize Ring rules (1743) of Jack Broughton. This version persuaded boxers that "you must not fight simply to win; no holds barred is not the way; you must win by the rules" (17, sect. 5, pt. 1).
One early prize fighter who fought under Marquess of Queensberry rules was Jem Mace, who won the English heavyweight title under these rules in 1861.
1. To be a fair stand-up boxing match in a 24-foot ring, or as near that size as practicable.
2. No wrestling or hugging allowed.
3. The rounds to be of three minutes duration, and one minute's time between rounds.
4. If either man falls through weakness or otherwise, he must get up unassisted, 10 seconds to be allowed him to do so, the other man meanwhile to return to his corner, and when the fallen man is on his legs the round is to be resumed and continued until the three minutes have expired. If one man fails to come to the scratch in the 10 seconds allowed, it shall be in the power of the referee to give his award in favour of the other man.
5. A man hanging on the ropes in a helpless state, with his toes off the ground, shall be considered down.
6. No seconds or any other person to be allowed in the ring during the rounds.
7. Should the contest be stopped by any unavoidable interference, the referee to name the time and place as soon as possible for finishing the contest; so that the match must be won and lost, unless the backers of both men agree to draw the stakes.
8. The gloves to be fair-sized boxing gloves of the best quality and new.
9. Should a glove burst, or come off, it must be replaced to the referee's satisfaction.
10. A man on one knee is considered down and if struck is entitled to the stakes.
11. That no shoes or boots with spikes or sprigs be allowed.
12. The contest in all other respects to be governed by revised London Prize Ring Rules.
The modern boxing stance differs substantially from the typical boxing stances of the 19th and early 20th centuries. The modern stance has a more upright vertical-armed guard, as opposed to the more horizontal, knuckles-facing-forward guard adopted by early 20th century hook users such as Jack Johnson.
In a fully upright stance, the boxer stands with the legs shoulder-width apart and the rear foot a half-step behind the lead foot. Right-handed or orthodox boxers lead with the left foot and fist. Both feet are parallel, and the right heel is off the ground. The lead (left) fist is held vertically about six inches in front of the face at eye level. The rear (right) fist is held beside the chin and the elbow tucked against the ribcage to protect the body. The chin is tucked into the chest to avoid punches to the jaw which commonly cause knock-outs and is often kept slightly offcenter. Wrists are slightly bent to avoid damage when punching and the elbows are kept tucked in to protect the ribcage. Some boxers fight from a crouch, leaning forward and keeping their feet closer together. The stance described is considered the "textbook" stance and fighters are encouraged to change it around once its been mastered as a base. Case in point, many fast fighters have their hands down and have almost exaggerated footwork, while brawlers or bully fighters tend to slowly stalk their opponents.
Left-handed or southpaw fighters use a mirror image of the orthodox stance, which can create problems for orthodox fighters unaccustomed to receiving jabs, hooks, or crosses from the opposite side. The southpaw stance, conversely, is vulnerable to a straight right hand.
North American fighters tend to favor a more balanced stance, facing the opponent almost squarely, while many European fighters stand with their torso turned more to the side. The positioning of the hands may also vary, as some fighters prefer to have both hands raised in front of the face, risking exposure to body shots.
Modern boxers can sometimes be seen tapping their cheeks or foreheads with their fists in order to remind themselves to keep their hands up (which becomes difficult during long bouts). Boxers are taught to push off with their feet in order to move effectively. Forward motion involves lifting the lead leg and pushing with the rear leg. Rearward motion involves lifting the rear leg and pushing with the lead leg. During lateral motion the leg in the direction of the movement moves first while the opposite leg provides the force needed to move the body.
There are four basic punches in boxing: the jab, straight right/left hand, hook and uppercut. If a boxer is right-handed (orthodox), his left hand is the lead hand and his right hand is the rear hand. For a left-handed boxer or southpaw, the hand positions are reversed. For clarity, the following discussion will assume a right-handed boxer.
Jab – A quick, straight punch thrown with the lead hand from the guard position. The jab is accompanied by a small, clockwise rotation of the torso and hips, while the fist rotates 90 degrees, becoming horizontal upon impact. As the punch reaches full extension, the lead shoulder can be brought up to guard the chin. The rear hand remains next to the face to guard the jaw. After making contact with the target, the lead hand is retracted quickly to resume a guard position in front of the face. The jab is recognised as the most important punch in a boxer's arsenal because it provides a fair amount of its own cover and it leaves the least amount of space for a counter punch from the opponent. It has the longest reach of any punch and does not require commitment or large weight transfers. Due to its relatively weak power, the jab is often used as a tool to gauge distances, probe an opponent's defenses, harass an opponent, and set up heavier, more powerful punches. A half-step may be added, moving the entire body into the punch, for additional power. Some notable boxers who have been able to develop relative power in their jabs and use it to punish or 'wear down' their opponents to some effect include Larry Holmes and Wladimir Klitschko.
Cross – A powerful, straight punch thrown with the rear hand. From the guard position, the rear hand is thrown from the chin, crossing the body and traveling towards the target in a straight line. The rear shoulder is thrust forward and finishes just touching the outside of the chin. At the same time, the lead hand is retracted and tucked against the face to protect the inside of the chin. For additional power, the torso and hips are rotated counter-clockwise as the cross is thrown. Weight is also transferred from the rear foot to the lead foot, resulting in the rear heel turning outwards as it acts as a fulcrum for the transfer of weight. Body rotation and the sudden weight transfer is what gives the cross its power. Like the jab, a half-step forward may be added. After the cross is thrown, the hand is retracted quickly and the guard position resumed. It can be used to counter punch a jab, aiming for the opponent's head (or a counter to a cross aimed at the body) or to set up a hook. The cross can also follow a jab, creating the classic "one-two" combination. The cross is also called a "straight" or "right", especially if it does not cross the opponent's outstretched jab.
Hook – A semi-circular punch thrown with the lead hand to the side of the opponent's head. From the guard position, the elbow is drawn back with a horizontal fist (knuckles pointing forward) and the elbow bent. The rear hand is tucked firmly against the jaw to protect the chin. The torso and hips are rotated clockwise, propelling the fist through a tight, clockwise arc across the front of the body and connecting with the target. At the same time, the lead foot pivots clockwise, turning the left heel outwards. Upon contact, the hook's circular path ends abruptly and the lead hand is pulled quickly back into the guard position. A hook may also target the lower body and this technique is sometimes called the "rip" to distinguish it from the conventional hook to the head. The hook may also be thrown with the rear hand. Notable left hookers include:Joe Frazier and Mike Tyson
Uppercut – A vertical, rising punch thrown with the rear hand. From the guard position, the torso shifts slightly to the right, the rear hand drops below the level of the opponent's chest and the knees are bent slightly. From this position, the rear hand is thrust upwards in a rising arc towards the opponent's chin or torso. At the same time, the knees push upwards quickly and the torso and hips rotate anti-clockwise and the rear heel turns outward, mimicking the body movement of the cross. The strategic utility of the uppercut depends on its ability to "lift" the opponent's body, setting it off-balance for successive attacks. The right uppercut followed by a left hook is a deadly combination employing the uppercut to lift the opponent's chin into a vulnerable position, then the hook to knock the opponent out.
These different punch types can be thrown in rapid succession to form combinations or "combos". The most common is the jab and cross combination, nicknamed the "one-two combo". This is usually an effective combination, because the jab blocks the opponent's view of the cross, making it easier to land cleanly and forcefully.
Saturday, May 22, 2010

So, I am watching the Boston Orlando game bored with it already, at the beginning of the 2nd half...
Anyway, I guess I will get to my brief point. Google Translate is dope! I'm slowly coming to terms with my google dependence. I know, I know. The first step to solving any problem is to acknowledge it... yadda yadda yadda.
ठीक है, तो मैं शायद मैं कर रहा हूँ, लेकिन देर से Google अनुवाद अविश्वसनीय है.
Ok, γι 'αυτό ίσως είμαι αργά, αλλά το Google Translate είναι απίστευτη.
Итак, я, может быть, я поздно, но Google Translate является невероятным.
Ok, vì vậy tôi có lẽ tôi muộn nhưng Google Translate là khó tin.
طيب ، لذلك ربما أنا في وقت متأخر ولكن مترجم جوجل لا يصدق.
Ok, donc je peut-être je suis en retard, mais Google Translate est incroyable.
Ok, kwa hiyo mimi labda mimi ni marehemu lakini Google Translate ni ajabu.
Ok, tak jsem možná jsem pozdě, ale Google Překladač je neuvěřitelné.
Ok, alò mwen petèt mwen ta nan men Google Tradui se enkwayab.
Ok, so I maybe I am late but Google Translate is incredible.
좋아, 아마 난 너무 늦었지만, Google 번역 대단하네요.
Ok, así que tal vez yo llego tarde pero Google Translate es increíble.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
SPIN into the Past: JaMarcus Russel re-declares as an LSU freshman after hearing that he'll be picked #1 by the Oakland Raiders

In a stunning series of events, JaMarcus Russell has re-declared as a freshman at Louisiana State University after hearing the news leaks of the Raiders identifying the QB as their likely pick.
JaMarcus announced on January 10 that he was foregoing his senior season at LSU to enter into the draft.
“This is the opportunity of a lifetime. The chance to make the jump to the pros at a time when I am a hot item is something I could not pass up. That was until I heard the rumors going around the NFL Combine that the Raiders were eyeing me as their QB of the future. I mean there is no way in hell that I am going to play for them. I’d rather take a job washing dishes at Golden Corral.”
After releasing Aaron Brooks, the Raiders were looking to make JaMarcus their centerpiece of the future.
“We are very disappointed at Mr. Russell, “said GM, Michael Lombardi. “We were poised to make him the #1 overall pick in the draft, and give him a hefty contract in the process. But now what are we going to do? Draft that midget, Troy Smith, or that Brady Quinn guy? Because we cannot go into the season with just Andrew Walter and Marques Tooee-Toowey,Too-Too-Too damn hard to pronounce. I just want you to know JaMarcus, THIS IS WAR!!! You hear me, WAR!!! You will regret the day you decided on not being in an Oakland Raider uniform. Throwing touchdowns or taking Mr. Davis to go potty.”
LSU coach, Les Miles, was ecstatic to have JaMarcus back in a Tigers uniform.
“I can’t tell you the joy that I have now that my quarterback is coming back to us for another year. I mean JaMarcus was the SEC player of the week 3 times, was the Sugar Bowl MVP, and even won the Manning Award for being the best QB in the SEC who was unable to win the SEC championship. I hope that the Raiders suck every year so they will always get the #1 overall pick. Then JaMarcus will be mine forever.”
JaMarcus showed optimism though when told of the rumors of Randy Moss possibly being traded to the Green Bay Packers.
“Are you forreal? That would be sweet. If the Raiders trade Randy then they will definitely select Calvin Johnson #1. And Matt Millen will probably choose another receiver, with his retarded azz. So it looks like Cleveland would be my new home. And playing for Romeo Crennel is much better than playing for Lane Kiffin and Al Davis. That would be almost like playing for my little nephew and my dead uncle.”
Clinton Portis criticizes Lavar Arrington for thinking that he’s a bigger dick

Clinton Portis and Lavar Arrington have certainly taken their shots at each other. It began a few months back when Clinton criticized Lavar for leaving the team because ‘he felt like he wasn’t the main money guy, because everybody was getting paid.’ But in the latest installment, Clinton criticized Lavar for thinking that he is a bigger dick than CP.
Portis lashed out at Arrington for speaking at Sean Taylor’s funeral without really being cool with him. A true dick move that Clinton said only he would do.
“I lost a lot of respect for Lavar at that moment, speaking at Sean’s funeral. He ain’t even know Sean like that. On the real, Sean and I were going to jump him for trying to haze Sean in his rookie year for looking like a rabid hyena. And then to get up there and act like you knew him ? I really thought that was him being a, um, I don’t know what you call that. Oh, a dick.”
Lavar plans to respond to these accusations from Clinton and prove that Arrington is indeed the bigger dick out of the two, on his radio show today at 5:00.
In typical Dan Snyder fashion, he plans on profiting off of this debate between the two by setting up an MMA bout between them on the 50 yard line at Fed-Ex Field. Indeed, a defiant move by the Redskins owner to show both of them who the ultimate dick is.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
SPIN into the Past: Barbaro Is Remembered As Being The Most Charismatic Horse Since Mister Ed

January 29, 2007 was a sad day in the sports world. The Indianapolis Colts had the audacity to show up late to
Not since the days of Mister Ed has a horse grasped the hearts and minds of a nation as Barbaro did. Eight year old Shelly Faldo said that the horse brought so much into her life.
“Barbaro was my hero. I know that he was only a horse, but my mom and dad always told me to never look down on people and that we are all the same. So although Barbaro could walk and poop at the same time, me and him were the same.”
Roy and Gretchen Jackson, Barbaro’s owner, said that they will always cherish the four years the horse and them spent together.
“From the moment we had Barbaro bred, we knew that he was a one of a kind horse. He came from the heredity of Dynaformer and La Ville Rouge, two stupendous horses, so we knew the apple couldn’t fall too far from the saddle. And forget the racing aspect and the fact that this piece of crap horse won us $2.3 million in earnings, he was charismatic beyond belief. I remember times when I would go out back to the stable, just to get the lawnmower to cut the grass, and Barbaro would shoot me that glare as if to say ‘If I knew how to balance on my 2 hind legs I would cut the grass for you’. I don’t know, maybe he was only looking like that cause he had to take a piss, but I am sure that he has thought that before.”
His trainer, Michael Matz, was heartbroken by the decision to euthanize him.
“Next to Mike Tyson getting knocked out by Buster Douglas, this is the hardest thing that I have had to deal with. Barbaro was my strength and my sole purpose for existence. I don’t even know if I can go on living without those long strolls in the parks with him walking and pooping. He was a man’s thoroughbred. That 1 win at the Kentucky Derby was only the beginning. We were on our way to traveling all around the world, experiencing different parks to walk and poop in. But now, it’s no more.”
As officials searched Barbaro’s stable to recover all his possessions a letter was found which is believed to be Barbaro’s final words to the world. And it read:
Dear world,
I am free now. Free to experience what a horse of my ilk should have experienced on earth. You think I wanted to have some guy riding on me putting a hurting on my already bad back? No, I didn’t want that. I just wanted to mind my own business and graze out in the field. But nooooooooo, you damn humans always want to make some sort of game out of us animals for your enjoyment. That’s right, I am an animal. I am not human. You psychotic fans going around sending me letters and flowers. Here’s a news flash: Horses can’t read. But thank you for the flowers, roses taste delicious.
And can you please stop using the word Euthanized, whatever that means. They didn’t euthanize me, they suckered me into going out into this nice pasture to graze in. Unbeknownst to me, that pasture was filled cyanide. That’s right, they killed my ass. I guess because my injury would not allow me to race ever again, they had no use for me. But whatever, screw those bastards. It is a much better world up here in Horsey Heaven. You wouldn’t believe the immaculate parks they have up here for me to walk and poop in.
Yours truly,
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Ooops.. They've done it again. Multinational Oil Companies Threaten Environment Again.

New Orleans, Louisiana - The U.S. military may be called on to assist authorities scrambling to mitigate a potential environmental disaster posed by an oil spill expanding toward the Gulf Coast, the Coast Guard said Thursday.
In addition, another controlled burn of the oil slick may be conducted, Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer Erik Swanson said.
Officials said late Wednesday the estimated amount of oil spewing into the Gulf of Mexico from three underwater leaks after last week's oil rig explosion has increased to as much as 5,000 barrels, or 210,000 gallons, a day -- five times more than what was initially believed.
Rear Adm. Mary Landry told reporters late Wednesday that the increased estimate is based on analysis from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
"This is not an exact science when you estimate the amount of oil," Landry said, noting there are a lot of variables in calculating the rate of the spill.
"However, NOAA is telling me now that they prefer we use the 5,000 barrels a day as an estimate of what has actually leaked from this well and will continue to leak until BP secures the source."
Some 250,000 gallons of oily water have been collected from the scene, she said.
BP is the owner of the well, while Transocean Ltd. owns and operates the rig.
Source: CNN
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Malcolm X's killer granted parole

NEW YORK — The only man to admit shooting Malcolm X was freed on parole Tuesday, 45 years after he assassinated the civil rights leader.
Thomas Hagan, the last man still serving time in the 1965 killing, was freed from a Manhattan prison where he spent two days a week under a work-release program, state Department of Correctional Services spokeswoman Linda Foglia said.
Hagan, 69, has said he was one of three gunmen who shot Malcolm X as he began a speech at Harlem's Audubon Ballroom on Feb. 21, 1965. But Hagan has said the two men convicted with him were not involved.
Source: LA Times
"Shitty" Bets?

April 27 (Bloomberg) -- Goldman Sachs Group Inc. executives were grilled by U.S. senators probing the bank’s mortgage business as Senator Carl Levin asked why it sold a set of investments the lender had itself labeled “shitty.”
“How about the fact that you sold hundreds of millions of that deal after your people knew it was a shitty deal?” the Michigan Democrat asked Daniel Sparks, who ran the bank’s mortgage unit at the time. “Does that bother you at all?”
Levin, who heads the Senate subcommittee that’s holding today’s hearings, was referring to a June 2007 e-mail from Thomas Montag, the former head of sales and trading in the Americas at Goldman Sachs, to Sparks. The message described a set of mortgage-linked investments that his bank had been trying to sell as part of “one shitty deal.”
“I don’t recall selling hundreds of millions of that deal after that,” Sparks replied, adding that he believed the e-mail referred to his performance, not the security itself. “If you can’t give a clear answer to that one, Mr. Sparks, I don’t think we’re going to get too many clear answers from you,” Levin said.
Seven current and former Goldman Sachs employees including Chief Executive Officer Lloyd Blankfein are testifying about the mortgage-securities business in the years leading to the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression. Goldman Sachs, the most profitable securities firm in Wall Street history, had been sued for fraud by the Securities and Exchange Commission, and contests the claim.
Source: Bloomberg Business Week
Tito Ortiz accuses Jenna Jameson of being addicted to porn

Ortiz was arrested in Huntington Beach at the home he shares with Jameson and their twin sons. Several hours after posting bail, Ortiz and his lawyer accused Jameson of porn addiction and claimed Ortiz never struck her. Outside of what was written for his character.
“Jenna Jameson has been fighting an ugly battle with an addiction to porn for well over a year, and this morning, she had a relapse,” attorney Chip Matthews said. “We’re here because Tito was trying to help her. He was only trying to re-enact a scene from ‘Star Whores’ and really got into character. But that is what she wanted. He never laid a hand on her that wasn’t already in the porn script.”
Ortiz wept openly at the hastily arranged news conference at an Italian Restaurant in North Hollywood, where ‘Mr. Empire Strikes Black’ is being filmed.
“My parents have gone through an addiction to porn such as this, and I’m seeing a mirror of that. It was just that their porn of choice were movies such as ‘Came With the Wind’ and ‘Mr. Smith Comes on Washington’. I just hold everything dear to my heart that Jenna will be okay and she can find some porn therapy session to attend.”
A call to Jameson’s representatives went unanswered late Monday night. Jameson posted a message on her Twitter account Monday, saying that she planned to quit Twitter.
“I can’t take anymore abuse from ANYONE. To my sweet fans…thank you,” the message read. “And just make sure all of you sweet fans continue to show that support with the release of my upcoming film, ‘Return of the Headguy’.
Dream Juice

So my iTunes was on random and up comes the Jay Electronica song Dimethyltryptamine and it spark a little curiosity about the name and the actual drug. So that led me to this...
Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is a naturally-occurring psychedelic drug of the tryptamine family. This drug is found not only in many plants, but also in trace amounts in the human body, where its natural function, if any, is undetermined. Structurally, it is analogous to the neurotransmitter serotonin (5-HT) and other psychedelic tryptamines such as 5-MeO-DMT, bufotenin (5-OH-DMT), and psilocin (4-HO-DMT). DMT is created in small amounts by the human body during normal metabolism by the enzyme tryptamine-N-methyltransferase. Many cultures, indigenous and modern, ingest DMT as a psychedelic, in either extracted or synthesized forms. When refined, DMT is a clear to white, crystalline solid. However, DMT found on the illicit market is commonly impure and may appear yellow, orange, or salmon in color, unless special care has been taken to remove these impurities. Such impurities result from degradation or originate from plant matter from which the DMT may have been extracted. A laboratory synthesis of DMT was first reported in 1931, and it was later found in many plants.
DMT acts as a non-selective agonist at most or all of the serotonin receptors (including 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C), and has also been shown to possess affinity for the D1, α1-adrenergic, α2-adrenergic, imidazoline-1, sigma-1, and trace amine-associated receptors. At the trace amine-associated receptor (TAAR) and the sigma-1 receptor it acts as an agonist, whereas its efficacies at the other sites are unclear. It has also been shown to bind to the SERT and VMAT2 as a substrate (instead of inhibitor), and may act as a serotonin releasing agent. The psychedelic effects of DMT can likely largely be attributed to activation of the 5-HT2A receptor, though it cannot be ruled out whether other receptors such as 5-HT2C, sigma-1, and TAAR may also play a role.
It was speculated that DMT could be an endogenous ligand for the sigma-1 receptor. In this report, the concentration of DMT needed for sigma-1 activation is about 9.4 mg/L (50 µM). This concentration is higher than the average concentration measured in brain tissue or plasma, and is also about two orders of magnitude higher than that needed to activate the 5-HT2A receptor in vitro. In humans, effective hallucinogenic doses produce peak DMT plasma concentrations ranging between 12 and 90 µg/L and with an apparent volume of distribution of 36 to 55 L/kg.
DMT occurs naturally in many species of plants often in conjunction with its close chemical relatives 5-MeO-DMT and bufotenin (5-OH-DMT). DMT-containing plants are commonly used in South American shamanic practices. It is usually one of the main active constituents of the drink ayahuasca, however ayahuasca is sometimes brewed without plants that produce DMT. It occurs as the primary psychoactive alkaloid in several plants including Mimosa hostilis, Diplopterys cabrerana, and Psychotria viridis. DMT is found as a minor alkaloid in snuff made from Virola bark resin in which 5-MeO-DMT is the main active alkaloid. DMT is also found as a minor alkaloid in the beans of Anadenanthera peregrina and Anadenanthera colubrina used to make Yopo and Vilca snuff in which bufotenin is the main active alkaloid. Psilocybin and Psilocin, active chemicals in many psychedelic mushrooms, are structurally very similar to DMT.
The psychotropic effects of DMT were first studied scientifically by the Hungarian chemist and psychologist Dr. Stephen Szára who performed research with volunteers in the mid-1950s. Szára, who later worked for the US National Institutes of Health, had turned his attention to DMT after his order for LSD from the Swiss company Sandoz Laboratories was rejected on the grounds that the powerful psychotropic could be dangerous in the hands of a communist country.
DMT can produce powerful entheogenic experiences including intense visuals, euphoria, even true hallucinations (perceived extensions of reality). DMT is generally not active orally unless it is combined with an monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) such as a reversible inhibitor of monoamine oxidase A (RIMA), e.g., harmaline. Uninhibited, the human body metabolizes DMT too rapidly for oral administration to be effective. Other means of ingestion such as smoking or injecting the drug can produce powerful hallucinations and entheogenic activity for a short time (usually less than half an hour), as the DMT reaches the brain before it can be metabolized by the body's natural monoamine oxidase. Taking a MAOI prior to smoking or injecting DMT will greatly prolong and potentiate the effects.
Several speculative and yet untested hypotheses suggest that endogenous DMT, produced in the human brain, is involved in certain psychological and neurological states. DMT is naturally produced in small amounts in the brain and other tissues of humans and other mammals. It may play a role in mediating the visual effects of natural dreaming, and also near-death experiences, religious visions and other mystical states. A biochemical mechanism for this was proposed by the medical researcher J. C. Callaway, who suggested in 1988 that DMT might be connected with visual dream phenomena, where brain DMT levels are periodically elevated to induce visual dreaming and possibly other natural states of mind. A new hypothesis proposed is that in addition to being involved in altered states of consciousness, endogenous DMT may be involved in the creation of normal waking states of consciousness. It is proposed that DMT and other endogenous hallucinogens mediate their neurological abilities by acting as neurotransmitters at a sub class of the trace amine receptors; a group of receptors found in the CNS where DMT and other hallucinogens have been shown to have activity. Wallach further proposes that in this way waking consciousness can be thought of as a controlled psychedelic experience. It is when the control of these systems becomes loosened and their behavior no longer correlates with the external world that the altered states arise.
Dr. Rick Strassman, while conducting DMT research in the 1990s at the University of New Mexico, advanced the theory that a massive release of DMT from the pineal gland prior to death or near death was the cause of the near death experience (NDE) phenomenon. Several of his test subjects reported NDE-like audio or visual hallucinations. His explanation for this was the possible lack of panic involved in the clinical setting and possible dosage differences between those administered and those encountered in actual NDE cases. Several subjects also reported contact with 'other beings', alien like, insectoid or reptilian in nature, in highly advanced technological environments where the subjects were 'carried', 'probed', 'tested', 'manipulated', 'dismembered', 'taught', 'loved' and even 'raped' by these 'beings'. This is most likely due to the setting of where the experiments took place.
In the 1950s, the endogenous production of psychoactive agents was considered to be a potential explanation for the hallucinatory symptoms of some psychiatric diseases as the transmethylation hypothesis (see also adrenochrome), though this hypothesis does not account for the natural presence of endogenous DMT in otherwise normal humans, rats and other laboratory animals. The proposal by Dr. Callaway was, however, the first to suggest a useful function for the endogenous production of DMT: to facilitate the visual phenomenon of normal dreaming.
DMT is classified in the United States as a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act of 1970.
In December 2004, the Supreme Court lifted a stay thereby allowing the Brazil-based União do Vegetal (UDV) church to use a decoction containing DMT in their Christmas services that year. This decoction is a "tea" made from boiled leaves and vines, known as hoasca within the UDV, and ayahuasca in different cultures. In Gonzales v. O Centro Espirita Beneficente Uniao do Vegetal, the Supreme Court heard arguments on November 1, 2005 and unanimously ruled in February 2006 that the U.S. federal government must allow the UDV to import and consume the tea for religious ceremonies under the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Denver Broncos draft Tim Tebow to lead their pre-game prayer

Experts believe Tebow can be a fine H-back or even a terrific special teamer. But McDaniels doesn’t envision any of those roles for the player that he has staked his coaching reputation on. And he feels that his place is in front of the team right before they march out onto the field.
“He is our pre-game prayer leader,” McDaniels said Saturday afternoon after wrapping up his second draft as Denver’s coach. “With his love for Christ and those scriptures tattooed to his cheek”, breaking into a chuckle, “there is no other role that I can see him in. I wouldn’t have traded those three picks to Baltimore if I didn’t have confidence in him. And plus, as our pre-game prayer leader, his hilarious throwing motion will have no effect on Broncos’ games.”
McDaniels and Tebow will begin the process of making the Gators legend into an NFL-quality pre-game prayer leader next week in a rookie-only minicamp.
McDaniels did say that Tebow would be competing for the job that is currently owned by Chaplain Bill Rader.
“Like everybody, he will be competing for a job,” McDaniels said. “Chaplain Rader has been with this organization for years but if Tim earns the job, he will pray. And that goes for any position with this team. That’s just how it is. He has a long way to go to get to where he wants to be. But he is starting the process well. He has already begun studying his prayer playbook.”
Broncos QB, Brady Quinn, said that he hopes he can be someone Tebow looks up to.
“I wish my teammate nothing but success for his career. And I plan on helping him out by having him shadow me during training camp. On the field throwing the football and at night on the town with the ladies. Because, let’s be honest, this prick needs to get laid.”
Saturday, April 24, 2010
By The Time I Get To Arizona (I will have been profiled)

President Barack Obama, urging Congress today to press forward on "comprehensive immigration reform,'' warned that the absence of federal action will only encourage "misguided efforts'' such as those in Arizona.
With support from some Republicans as well as Democrats in the Senate, the president is attempting to renew a long-simmering debate over immigration reform in Congress. His goal, he maintains, is not only strengthening the borders, but also addressing the fate of the many millions of immigrants who already have arrived in the U.S. illegally.
"Surely we can all agree that when 11 million people are living here illegally, that's unacceptable,'' Obama said today at a naturalization ceremony for 24 members of the Armed Forces on the South Lawn of the White House. "The American people deserve a solution."
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Happy Earth Day!

Earth Day is a day designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's environment. It was founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in held on April 22, 1970. Earth Day is celebrated in spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. Many communities celebrate Earth Week, an entire week of activities focused on environmental issues. The first Earth Week originated in Philadelphia in 1970 (starting April 16 and culminating on Earth Day, April 22.)Earth Day Network, a group that wishes to become the coordinator of Earth Day globally, asserts that Earth Day is now observed on April 22 on virtually every country on Earth. World Environment Day, celebrated on June 5 in a different nation every year, is the principal United Nations environmental observance.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Poll: Trust in American Government at an all time low

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Nearly 80 percent of Americans say they do not trust the U.S. government to do what is right, expressing the highest level of distrust in Washington in half a century, according to a public opinion survey.
Only 22 percent of Americans say they trust the government "just about always" or "most of the time," according to the Pew Research Center survey released on Sunday.
Americans' trust in the federal government has been on a steady decline from a high of 73 percent during the Eisenhower administration in 1958, when the "trust" question was first posed in a national survey, the research center said.
Economic uncertainty, a highly partisan environment and overwhelming discontent with Congress and elected officials were all factors contributing to the current wave of public distrust, the report said.
The long, bitter debate over the healthcare law that U.S. President Barack Obama signed last month made negative feeling about government, particularly Congress, even worse, according to the report based on a series of surveys of some 5,000 people.
About 25 percent had a favorable opinion of Congress, the lowest in 25 years of surveying, and less than half (40%) said the Obama administration was doing an excellent or good job, Pew said.
Americans were found to be more frustrated than angry, with 56 percent expressing frustration with the federal government, compared with 21 percent who said they were angry.
Forty-three percent of Republicans, 50 percent of independents who lean Republican and 57 percent of those who agree with the Tea Party movement said the government presents a major threat to their personal freedom.
That compares with 18 percent of Democrats, 21 percent of independents who lean Democratic and 9 percent of those who disagree with the Tea Party movement.
The main survey of 2,505 adults was conducted March 11-21. Three other surveys of about 1,000 adults each were conducted March 18-21, April 1-5 and April 8-11. The margin of sampling error for the surveys is plus or minus 4 percentage points.
Source, Reuters
Friday, April 16, 2010
You ought to know: Eddie Palmieri

Eddie Palmieri (born December 15, 1936), is a Grammy Award winning Puerto Rican pianist, bandleader and musician, best known for combining jazz piano and instrumental solos with Latin rhythms.
Palmieri's parents migrated to New York from Ponce, Puerto Rico, in 1926, and settled down in the South Bronx, a largely Hispanic neighborhood. Both he and his older brother, the late Charlie Palmieri, were born in New York. When he was only 8 years old, he would musically accompany Charlie and together they entered and participated in many talent contests.
Palmieri attended elementary school at PS 52 and continued his education in the city's public school system where he was constantly exposed to music, specifically jazz. He took piano lessons for and performed at Carnegie Hall when he was 11 years old. His biggest piano influences were Thelonious Monk and McCoy Tyner. He was inspired by his older brother and was determined to someday form his own band - something he achieved in 1950, when he was just 14. During the 1950s, Palmieri played in various bands, including Tito Rodríguez's
In 1961, Palmieri formed the band Conjunto La Perfecta, which included trombone player Barry Rogers and singer Ismael Quintana. During that decade, the Charanga was the Latin dance craze. The music to the Charanga required an orchestra with a flute and violins, but Palmieri also added a mixture of trumpets and trombones. He also experimented by including a touch of jazz in his recordings. He recorded, among others, Lo Que Traigo Es Sabroso (What I Bring is Juicy) and Mozambique, before the group disbanded in 1968.
In 1971, Palmieri recorded Vamonos Pa'l Monte (Going to the Mountain) with his brother Charlie at the organ. That same year he also recorded Eddie Palmieri & Friends in Concert, At the University of Puerto Rico. In 1974, Eddie won the first ever Grammy Award for Best Latin Recording with The Sun of Latin Music (produced by Harvey Averne). On July 21, 1979, he appeared at the Amandla Festival along with Bob Marley, Dick Gregory and Patti LaBelle, amongst others.
In the 1980s, Ismael Quintana returned to the band, which also included Cheo Feliciano. Palmieri won two Grammys for the recordings of Palo Pa Rumba and Solito. He also recorded the album La Verdad (The Truth) with salsa singer Tony Vega in 1987. Next year the happiness of his success was set back by the sudden death of his brother, Charlie.
In the 1990s, Palmieri had participated in various concerts and recordings with the Fania All-Stars and the Tico All-Stars; he also introduced La India with the production of Llego La India via Eddie Palmieri (La India has arrived via Eddie Palmieri), released in 1992. In 2000, Palmieri announced his retirement from the world of music. However, he recorded Masterpiece with Tito Puente and won 2 Grammys; additionally he was also named the "Outstanding Producer of the Year" by the National Foundation of Popular Culture. Palmieri has won a total of 9 Grammy Awards in his career, most recently for his 2006 album Simpático.
On November 6, 2004, Palmieri directed a "Big Band Tribute" to his late brother Charlie at Avery Hall at the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts.
Palmieri currently continues to be actively involved with music. He formed a new band, La Perfecta II, with whom he recorded the CD Ritmo Caliente (Hot Rhythm). On April 30, 2005, "Mi Día Bonito", a tribute to Eddie Palmieri celebrating his 50 years in the world of music, took place at the Rubén Rodríguez Coliseum in Bayamón, Puerto Rico. The event included the participation of Lalo Rodriguez, Ismael Quintana, Cheo Feliciano, La India, Hermán Olivera, Jerry Medina, Luis Vergara and Wichy Camacho.
In November and December 2005, Palmieri teamed up with longtime trumpeter and band member Brian Lynch to record the Artistshare CD release "The Brian Lynch/Eddie Palmieri Project: Simpático." This CD and accompanying multimedia web site features music by an all-star roster of jazz and Latin jazz artists, including Phil Woods, Lila Downs, Donald Harrison, Conrad Herwig, Giovanni Hidalgo, Gregory Tardy, Mario Rivera, Boris Kozlov, Rubén Rodríguez, Luques Curtis, Robby Ameen, Dafnis Prieto, Pedro Martinez, Johnny Rivero, Edsel Gomez, Yosvany Terry. In 2007, the recording was awarded a Grammy as the best Latin Jazz Recording.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Yikes! When Colonialism Attacks!!!

This is pretty random, but interesting and important. At least I think. The pictured map is from 1914... 98 years ago.
Punks Jump Up to get BEATDOWN!

The Prince George's County Police lie. As an organization, and as individuals. Point Blank. From Terrance Johnson to the present day. If you are black, especially a black male; you are already all to familiar with this. I just wanted to be on record with that. Now more than ever... As the spotlight gets warmer on the most recent example of P.G.'s finest doing what they do so well (this time somebody had a camera). I can't help but be reminded of their brutality, some directed towards me, sometimes at others.
Now that they have apparently crossed the line by brutally beating a 21 year old, white male student, whose grandfather happens to be a retired Montgomery County judge. Why is this such an outrage? We all know that the P.G. County Police have a long decorated history of brutality and abuse. We all know the cops are going to be suspended, even fired perhaps... the public will have it's pound of flesh and the outrage will do what it always does... FIZZLE OUT and take a nap. Cycle complete. I guess I will close with sort of a #shoutout to John McKenna the student that was actually the most recent recipient of PG street justice. I hope you get every dollar and cent that you can from those wretched cowards. I mean it. People I urge you to know and defend your rights as vigorously and tenaciously as possible. We are human, are we not?
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Ben Roethlisberger will not be charged for sexually assaulting Santonio Holmes

District Attorney, Fred Dark, said Monday that after exhaustive interviews and inconclusive medical exams, the player’s accusations could not be proven and he was never able to find out what happened behind the Steelers’ locker room bathroom door.
“Here the overall circumstances do not lead to a viable prosecution. I am well aware of Mr. Roethlisberger’s sexual dalliances with players but, even though it makes me nauseas to think about, we do not prosecute morals. We prosecute crimes. But I did not have enough evidence to convince 12 jurors that Santonio’s injuries were a result of Ben’s sick actions. Yuck.”
Roethlisberger, in his first public remarks since Santonio’s accusations, read a 74-second statement at a podium right outside the Steelers’ locker room bathroom where the alleged sexual assault took place.
“The prosecutor’s decision not to bring charges, I know without a doubt, is the right conclusion,” said Roethlisberger, who was wearing a red sports shirt with a Rainbow symbol on it. “I don’t intend to discuss any details related to the events of this locker room bathroom. I am just happy to put it behind me and move forward with my teammates. I already have a meeting scheduled in the locker room bathroom with my newest teammate, Antwaan Randle-El.”
Perhaps showing support for Ben and disbelief in Santonio Holmes’ accusations, the Rooneys traded the WR to the New York Jets for a 5th round pick. A trade that Santonio said was welcomed by him to free himself from that ‘perv boy’.
“I am thankful to the Rooneys for this move because it will keep me away from Ben and his constant touching. I also have some connects in New York that keep that good green, so I’ll be closer to them. And I am looking forward to playing for Coach Ryan. I always wanted to play for a disciplinarian like that. I’m just glad he wasn’t the coach in Pittsburgh because Ben would’ve probably fondled Rex’s supple breasts.”
Monday, April 12, 2010
POTUS looks to replace Stevens on SCOTUS

Now that the dust is settling in the aftermath of the announcement of Justice John Paul Stevens looming retirement. Get ready for a new storm of partisan bickering and filibuster threats as President Barack Obama is soon to nominate a replacement. Stay tuned this will be interesting.
Nuclear Security Summit

President Barack Obama embarks this week on the most elaborate diplomatic undertaking of his presidency, playing host to nearly 40 heads-of-state at a high-wattage summit intended to avert the catastrophic possibility of nuclear terrorism.
Setting the stage for the “sense of urgency” he’s called for at the summit, Obama spent four hours Sunday meeting with heads of state from Pakistan, India, South Africa, and Kazakhstan, as well as “courtesy call” with the acting president of Nigeria..
In remarks Sunday before his bilateral meeting with South African President Jacob Zuma, Obama set the stage for the two-day summit beginning Monday, calling terrorists with nuclear weapons “the single biggest threat to U.S. security... something that could change the security landscape of this country and around the world for years to come," and warning that "we know that organizations like al Qaeda are in the process of trying to secure a nuclear weapon."
Monday, Obama will have bilateral meetings with heads of state from China, Jordan, Malaysia, Ukraine and Armenia.
The gathering of high-level delegations from 46 nations at the call of an American president is almost without precedent, White House officials said. They say the last such meeting was the 1945 conference President Harry Truman hosted in San Francisco that led to the organization of the United Nations.
The large turnout for this week’s two-day meeting is testament to the relatively uncontroversial notion behind the session, said Steven Pifer, an arms control expert with the Brookings Institution.
“Most of the countries in the world, with the exception of North Korea, have an interest in limiting the threat posed by nuclear smuggling efforts,” Pifer said. “President [Obama] wants, four years from now, to have a high degree confidence that stocks of highly enriched uranium anywhere in the world are under very strong safeguards.”
However, the formal large-group sessions of the summit may end up taking a backseat to the one-on-one meetings leaders are holding along its fringes. Obama is planning at least nine such sessions on the summit’s sidelines. It is in those meetings where the president’s top foreign policy priority at the moment, winning international sanctions to dissuade Iran from pursuing its nuclear ambitions, will be hashed out.
“That is an issue that is separate from the agenda of the summit. However, of course, the United States continues to work through the U.N. Security Council…to insist that Iran meet its obligations under the Non-Proliferation Treaty,” Obama National Security Council spokesman Ben Rhodes said last week. “This, I’m sure, will be a subject at some of the President’s bilats.”
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0410/35633.html#ixzz0ku0hz7sl
source: politico.com article by Josh Gerstein
Crystal Ball predicting Emmy for Treme?

Looks like "Treme" may help HBO to become a major player in the Emmy race for best drama series again. Ever since "The Sopranos" won the trophy after its final year, HBO has nabbed only one nomination in the category — "Big Love" last year. It lost to AMC's "Mad Men."
The L.A. Times not only gives "Treme" a tremendous review, but also an operatically boisterous reception. Mary McNamara says the creators of the gritty series about post-Katrina New Orleans "have proved that television as an art form can not only rival Dickens, but it also can hold its own against Wagner."
The New York Times says, " 'Treme' is a work of imagination that seeks to reacquaint the world with a struggling city’s reality."
The program's shot at being nominated for best drama series is bolstered by two factors: It's debuting so prominently during the home stretch of Emmy eligibility (which ends May 31), and there are now six or seven nominee slots in the category instead of the usual five.
Some "Treme" stars are top rivals for other Emmys: Wendell Pierce (lead drama actor),
Melissa Leo (lead actress), John Goodman (supporting actor) and Khandi Alexander (supporting actress).
If "Treme" does hit the Emmy jackpot, it'll be payback time for its creators, whose "The Wire" suffered shocking Emmy snubs despite receiving repeated raves from TV critics.
Source: latimes.com
Friday, April 9, 2010

Ok, here's what I know... The rapper is from Seattle, the producer is from Chicago. Outside of that the only other thing I can really tell you is that the ENTIRE ALBUM is DOPE! I have been listening to it since I copped it for FREE yesterday... I figured I would pass it on. Believe You Me... Album and Label links: