I was in a good mood this morning. It wasn’t hot it wasn’t cold. It was just right. Not too sunny but not dark either. I was going to get my wife and me some food. It was a good morning. Nothing was more different than any other time I traveled down this rode since 1981; stores catering to the masses and cars zooming by fast and blowing the disgusting exhaust in my face. But this time something just hit me. This is an area completely set up and designed to keep the people in the area down and out of life. I’m not with it anymore, I quit and I am doing something about it.
Now, what exactly that entails is completely alien to me. Whether, I move like most people do and get away from the problem until it follows you there and you move again or I stick around and positively affect the community first hand is all up to…them. I really dislike some people. I can’t seem to talk their language. I try to speak to them the best way I know how but they hit me with the “Na’mean” or the “Yanowat I’m takkin bout” or the “I’m just gonna make dis come up real quick” or the “Like” and my mind just goes blank.
How can people in a community strive for bigger and better thing when there are 5 liquor stores and 6 carryouts within a 2-block radius? It makes no sense. Not to mention, and I know this might upset some folks, 8 churches (including 2 “mega-churches”) in the same area plus 2 blocks. Mostly of what they teach is this is God’s plan for you to be weak right now but you’ll get everything you deserve after you die. And by the way you HAVE to tithe (give 10% of your income) in addition to everything else that you’re struggling to pay for.
If you may allow me to take the original Declaration of Independence and switch around a few words for my usage to help me explain my point I would I appreciate it? Thanks.
"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the [social] bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
I changed one word to fit what I am speaking of. Just because we are socially connected doesn’t mean we have to stay that way. Everyone can choose and has a right to choose to separate and pursue their very own happiness.
This morning and right now I am declaring my own independence and declaring my stupendence. I will no longer be bound by the weights of society and the black community. I will no longer drink Hennessey just because, Pierre Ferrand tastes better anyway. Fried Chicken is good and although I am predisposed to loving the taste of it, it also increases my risk for countless health problems so instead, I’ll grill it – I at least have to grill. Right? I will value education and spending time with my family. I will dress in any way and style I choose; just because someone wears Polo or Dolce & Gabbana doesn’t mean they look good.
I will no longer let the world tell me what looks good and what I have to have to show that I am doing good. From this point on look at my house that I own or am buying and my running car (without rims; just because you add rims to a Caprice doesn’t make it a good car). Look at my happy wife and my happy kids and family. That is Stupendous!!!
From here on out I will be free of the entire make believe rules and limitations. I am going to flaunt my newfound stupendous things. Hopefully some others will follow in my footsteps and we can change the way we live and change how others live too.
Today is my Declaration of Independence and Stupendence!!!!!!
This is wonderful! I am so inspired by your bravery! Today, I follow you and declare my independence!
ReplyDeleteGreat commentary. But, why is it up to "them" if you help or not. Obviously they don't want to change?
ReplyDeleteWell, as you know Mr. Anonymous or should know, a person or people can only be helped when they want to be helped. And secondly, my blogs are cloaked sarcasm and thought provoking banter. Thanks for reading and if you have any suggestions feel free to let me know.
ReplyDeleteGotta love the School Daze video at the end. Wake Up!!!!! I feel you on this post, folks need to wake the F up!