If you're like me, change comes slow. I love technology and some people would even say I'm a gadget fiend. I don't think so, but I do love always having the newest things in technology. It's weird because I still can't even put together my new game system when I get it. I buy it and then it sits there until I can convince an unknowing friend to come over and play me in the new addition to the John Madden series. It's sad but that is the way it is. I love technology I just don't understand it and have no desire to at this moment. On a side note, I rarely lose at Madden. If anyone would like to challenge me please just say so.
I recently just got onto the the whole twitter movement. I mean its just a website that you can text/email your friends and people you don't even know and let them know what you are doing. If you like to text and email then it is the site for you and follow me.
Any way, I recently found a GREAT site, I think. It is called Pandora Radio. It plays only music you like. You type in artists you like and it makes a playlist based upon that artist and similar artist. It's brilliant in my opinion. Anything to keep Jennifer Hudson out of my ears is fine with me . Speaking of which she SUCKED to all get out yesterday at the Michael Jackson memorial. She has no range and no sense of volume. She only sings in one octave and one volume. EXTREMELY LOUD!!!!!!! She sang Will You Be There the Free Willy song by Michael Jackson, which is supposed to start out as a whisper and climb and climax at the end. Everyone at the Staples Center should have been in tears at the end of this song with its potent words, situation in which it was sang and it is just a moving, good song. Well she completely blew it because she came out screaming right at the beginning...I bet she would be nice in bed. She just gets right to it and starts off at the climax. This would alleviate most problems in the bedroom seeing as how...Nevermind.
Check out Pandora Radio. Its good technology. I finally got on it and I LOVE it.
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