“I hereby publicly announce my return to athletics competitions,” Semenya said in a very rough and masculine tone. “I am an athlete first and foremost and it is vital for my competitiveness, my well-being, and in my preparation for this event that I make sure my performance is measured up against these other athletes. And the jockstrap won’t hold me back from displaying to all those athletes how they don’t measure up to me.”
Earlier this week, Semenya was denied a spot to race at a meet in Stellenbosch, near Cape Town, despite pleas from shim coach and lawyer that shim would indeed wear a jockstrap.
“Caster said shim was not happy and that shim wants to participate,” said Greg Nott. “Shim is used to performing at the highest level of competition and all shim wants to do is get back to that point. So if that means that shim has to don a jockstrap to satisfy IAAF to be able to compete, then so be it. Shim is a performer and definitely has the balls to prove that shim is the best.”
Semenya sat in the VIP section at Stellenbosch and watched the competition, while holding shimself, like Al Bundy.
Babatunde Smith, one of the participants in the Stellenbosch meet, said that he doesn’t believe Semenya’s claim that shim is a female and thinks that shim should stick to racing against other men like shimself.
“I think that the IAAF is doing the right thing by making Caster wear a jockstrap. These competitions are supposed to be equal and no one person should have an advantage over another. But when I went to use the bathroom and saw Caster in the stall right next to me, I knew that we had a problem.”
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