The following is probably going to be in the running for understatement of the year for 2009: If you or I, yes you... Joe Reader; had crashed a State Dinner at the White House, we would currently be tunneling our way under any one of thousands of penal institutions. We would be labeled as the most grave threat to national security since Bin Laden, and then slandered with accusations of swine flu...
Secondly, this maybe a familiar scenario to some of us that have had either run ins with the law or alcohol or both as they tend to go hand in hand. Picture it 2:30am, the morning after Thanksgiving... you, having had your fair share of your drinkie-pooh of choice, your significant other having done the same. Rumors swirling of infidelity and someone storms out... In the process of doing so; one nameless golf pro smashes into a fire hydrant and subsequently a tree, thus ending up on a neighbors lawn... Consequences for us, writer and reader? Let me give you a hint... It starts with a "J" and ends with an "Ail." That's right, the slammer, the clink, and any other cutesy name you can come up with. All that to say, that in 2009 nothing has changed. Money buys justice or at least sways it in the favor of the wealthy.
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