For the sake of this argument let’s say I’m a voting member of the state of Maryland. Let us take this utterly hypothetical argument a bit further and supposed I lived in the under-appreciated, often overlooked, ghastly under developed, gentrified District of Columbia’s dumping ground and uber-wonderful county of Prince George’s. Now that we have that established, we can delve deeper into a mind boggling situation in said county – County Council members not looking out for the best interests of their constituents.
County Councilperson Leslie Johnson and her husband former County Executive Jack Johnson both pleaded guilty to accepting bribes upwards to $400,000. Leslie Johnson has stated she will not resign her position and give up her $8,000 per month salary until she is imprisoned. Four of her peers in the county council have not come out publicly to ask her to resigned, including her Alpha Kappa Alpha sorors Ingrid Turner of Bowie and Andrea Harrison of Springdale.
That in itself is disrespectful and a slap in the face to their constituents. Both Johnson and Turner should think twice of their positions. Johnson will no longer be able to vote in the state of Maryland thus making her political career over. However, given politicians often get jobs as consultants after their political careers are over, she is disrespecting and turning her nose up at everyone in the county by thinking she can outsmart and out play them…again which got her into this position in the first place. Turner, of Bowie, is still in office and given she wants to be re-elected to office needs to come out against her soror and do what is obviously right and a no brainer. Ingrid Turner – along with Karen Toles (another soror), Obie Patterson and Andrea Harrison - needs to tell Mrs. Johnson to resign her seat on the county council, she mislead the people of Prince George’s County, cast a dark and misguided light onto the county council and disrespected her fellow peers on the County Council.
I mean how aligned can you be to a person who tried to hide $79,600 in cash in her bra and underwear.
P.S. I just felt it needed to be said given the previous enlightening post.
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