(it helps the feel of the blog to play the music while reading)
At the end of the year many people do end of the year reflections. Here is mine. The year 2009 is the year of the cheater or just an ordinary year.
Man, what in the world?!?! What is in the water?!?! Can someone explain what is going on?!?! I’m going to try. There is an old saying - very old saying. Boys will be boys. You’ve heard of it, I’ve heard of it. We all have heard of it. We don’t know where it came from, that is how old it is. It stands true today. Boys will be boys. When a little boy jumps off the tops step and falls and sprains his ankle, it’s okay because boys will be boys. When little boys play in the mud, it’s okay because boys will be boys. When boys lock themselves in the bathroom for hours faking taking a shower, it’s okay because boys will be boys. When boys/men cheat, it’s not okay because…It’s not?
Let me run down a quick list for you.
Tiger Woods
Jon Goselin
David Letterman
Shaquille O’neal
Gov. Marc Sanford
Rick Patino
Steve Philips
(most of all, these two) Arturo Gatti
Steve McNair
( I could add in the guy next door,or
maybe your ex-boyfriend).
What do these people all have in common? It has come to our attention this year, 2009, that these men were cheating. ALL OF THEM. I probably could go back every year and get a list just as long if not longer.
Why do men cheat? I don’t know. Why do men get married and then cheat? I don’t know. Why do women keep getting married? I don’t know. Why is the sky blue? Some things we will never know.
Are people really surprised that Tiger Woods cheated? I, for one, am not. Tiger Woods has been groomed from infancy to be the best. When everyone else was out partying he was on the green putting. He was always an outcast. With a very dominant and driving father pushing him, he couldn’t be otherwise. His father was the Joe Jackson of golf. Tiger Woods is very close to being, if not, worth ONE BILLION dollars. Coming from what he came from and being worth A BILLION dollars did he have any other choice.
Look at it like this. Imagine a starving child. Starving always and forever as an infant, child, adolescent and young adult. Then being placed in an all you can eat buffet. But, not the dirty, ugly, stinky buffet that is usually in the black neighborhoods; A grand buffet that would be found in a Four Seasons hotel. With everything dressed up looking so scrumptious, everything placed in his line of vision to tempt him, everything begging him to come and taste it. Then someone telling him he can only have grilled chicken and asparagus spears. That is going to work out just right. Just you wait and see.
Have you heard that LeToya Luckett song “Regret”? The basis of the song is this. The man she was with cheated on her and left her. He was nothing before her but she fixed him up and made him look good and attractive. After that he was bombarded by offers from women. And he took one of then up on her offer. Now, he will regret leaving her for the new woman because… I have no idea. (Let me clarify, I wouldn’t leave LeToya because she has ALWAYS and continues to look better than Beyonce – But I digress) She, as women like to use the term "upgraded" him. She upgraded him and now he has more options. Thanks for the upgrade, now I'm cool. Thank you!!! Chris Rock said “A man is basically as faithful as his options”. Comedy is LOOSELY based on truth. (this isn’t that clip but combine the tutorial with the aforementioned line and women should be good. Start at the clip time 4:30)
I am not at all condoning what these men did and not justifying it. I am just trying to explain a little reasoning behind these transgressions.
Hey, the wives of these men are okay. They get what…Half? Would you rather this happen to you or for your man to Richard Jefferson you. She got what...A party?
You be the Judge. Just not judgmental.
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