So here I am again with a quick question or two on obscenity and profanity. What the flying motherfuck is profanity, and what makes it so profane? As a frequent user, I would like some moral and grammatical clarity. Let’s see… Here is the Webster’s definition: pro‧fan‧i‧ty prəˈfænɪ
ti, proʊ- - Pronunciation [pruh-fan-i-tee, proh-]
–Noun, plural -ties for 2.
1. | the quality of being profane; irreverence. |
2. | profane conduct or language; a profane act or utterance. |
3. | obscenity (defs. 2, 3). |
Origin: 1600–10; <>profānitās. See profane, -ity]
—Synonyms 1, 2. blasphemy, sacrilege. 2. Swearing, malediction; curse.
That ladies and gentlemen is the Webster’s definition copied and pasted.Let’s start with number one, the quality of being profane; irreverence. Profane? Excuse me? Are you fucking kidding?! Profane?! I won’t go to Webster’s for this one. Profane is usually defined as anything that is vulgar or contemptuous. Let’s take the word “fuck” for example. How it is that such an expressive and versatile word such as fuck be considered vulgar or contemptuous is beyond me… In modern daily usage, the versatility of the word is such that it can be used as a transitive verb (she fucks him), intransitive verb (she fucks quite often), noun (he is a dumb fuck), adjective (my fucking head hurts), adverb (this remote control won't fucking work), adverb enhancing an adjective (his sister is fucking crazy), interjection (when the fuck did this happen?), or an exclamation (Fuck!). Fuck is also one of the few words in English commonly used as an infix, as in absofuckinglutely, infuckingcredible, and congratufuckulations along with several other expletive infixes. Thanks to “The F Word” second edition; copyright 1995 to help clear that up. Now that we have briefly explored the versatility of the word fuck, should we still consider it vulgar? When some one says the word vulgar, I feel as if I am in a 16th century church and someone is soon to be flogged for some offense against the pope. Slavery was vulgar, the holocost was vulgar, and police brutality is vulgar. Thus leading me to the second part of the definition; irreverence…
I’m going go out on a limb here and say that, to be irreverent you had to have some reverence or at least knowledge of the concept at some point in time. This may be where the trap is set, so I will be careful… Reverence for who or what? The church, your parents, the government, I think not. As all of these institutions have or will systematically fail, do they still deserve reverence? If so, why do they deserver it? Most people derive their sense of morals from a “higher being.” In the absence of an incorruptible, tangible earthly representative of this “higher being” moral authority, is just given away there is no line, no election, not even a raffle. There is no regulation, no review board; it is simply unchecked, unfettered authority. We have all heard the saying, “absolute power corrupts absolutely.” How many children have to be abused, how many unnecessary wars have to be fought before this “authority” is challenged; before our so-called reverence is tested? Reverence to me has become the mutated offspring of an incestuous union between respect and fear, there is supposed to be a natural balance of the two tempered by curiosity. That is how I see it, but no… we hand out authority like drunken philanthropists on Halloween.
Let’s delve deeper into the definition of profanity… Obscenity, what constitutes an obscenity? Is it a raised middle finger, exposed genitals, or maybe an act of extreme violence? Perhaps obscenity is anything that is deemed offensive by someone else who turns a profit or makes a career out of simply being offended. Why is it that pornography is considered obscene? What is it about people engaging in sex acts on film that is so offensive? Why, because it may excite someone? Is it because it may lead to adulterous thoughts and feelings? (I know that this is a gross under simplification, however guilt and shame themes that will be explored in later posts.) Oh, the shame! Shame in craving sex, nasty pornographic sex… I think not! Personally, I think there is more shame in not craving sexual gratification, but that may just be me. True obscenity to me is a child who has been forced to fight in a war. Ignoring the legacy of slavery is obscene. Obscenity is female circumcision and child prostitution. What is truly obscene, are the present day conditions in Haiti; in what can only be described as a direct result of the exploitive nature of colonialism… These things are not just obscene, they are criminal, and to not prosecute and persecute the offenders to our utmost capacity is what is obscene.
Is it ever OK to be purposely profane or obscene? That is not a question for me to answer. However, I do think it would be hypocritical for me to deny my own profane nature and to not seek atonement for my own personal obscenities and atrocities, so thus I submit my opinion. Fuck it. Suck my dick. I don’t give a shit, bitch! I am kidding of course… or am I? Thanks for reading. Peace until…
Great article. I agree with it all. And the F word is my favorite word in the entire English language.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant!!! Such a a great aricle.
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