“Look at
this dude with skin tight jeans on. He looks like he has on Parasuco’s” That is what I was thinking yesterday as I walked through the mall. “Look at this chick with all that make-up on. She looks like
MiMi from the Drew Carry show.” That is what I say almost everyday in reference to women. (Learn how to do your make up and what works for you.) I’ll admit it. I am a people watcher. I love to watch people. Watch their gait, their mannerisms, their attitude, their clothing, etc. That is what I do. And in doing so I have come to the conclusion that The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree…unless it’s on a hill.
I have been watching people for years now. I have pretty much perfected the craft. I can tell a lot by just observing and watching people. I can tell if they work out, if they are hurt, what their style is, what they ate for breakfast, how they like it, etc. But I think one of the most important and entertaining things to watch is when you see a child and its same sex parent. It is very intriguing.
And thus I have learned, ignorance breeds ignorance, inconsiderateness breeds inconsiderateness, stupidity breeds stupidity, rudeness breeds rudeness and ***holes breed ***holes. Seriously just take a look for yourself. If you are considering dating someone or marrying someone please meet, watch and talk to the same sex parent. You can find out a lot about a person by doing so. Because that adult was and is their role model on how to be a person and adult. If the mom or dad is ignorant so is you friend. If you walk through a mall and see a child, not a toddler or younger, acting up following close behind will be a parent doing the same.
Have you ever been out somewhere and saw a
teenage girl dressed inappropriately and thought to yourself or aloud, “What in the world is this child doing and why are they dressed like that?” To only look up and see their mom dragging behind looking like a
40-year-old prostitute. The Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
How many times have you been in contact with a
rude and thoughtless teenage boy that acts stupid? Then you
see their dad and all you can say is “Oh, okay!”
When you have a rude child or an inconsiderate child or just a plain old child that is an ***hole don’t be mad at them. Be mad at the parent because they are that way. If your girlfriend or boyfriend is mean and nasty it is because they are immolating their mean and nasty parent.
My main point is the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…unless it is on a hill. Meaning the apple will roll further down the hill and get even lower than the tree it has come from. This is an ever lasting routine as long as there is a hill with nothing to stop it. The child will get worse and the generations after will be even worse than that. It is a hopeless cycle.
To continue using my ever so clever and well thought out analogy and metaphor. Think about it as I stretch it just a bit. The tree is not on level ground. So it is trying it’s hardest to stay upright and rooted so it can stay where it is. Gravity or life will make it fall if it isn’t sustaining itself. To sustain itself it must focus on itself very intently. Now, if and when the tree bears fruit or offspring it cannot and will not look after the fallen fruit/offspring thoroughly because it is too busy sustaining itself for self-preservation. Unfortunately, the fruit rolls down the hill to an even lower spot.
You still with me, cool. Let us continue to stretch.
Now if there is an apple farmer/gatherer or just plain concerned person to help the fallen fruit/offspring out a bit and take it to higher or level ground the cycle will not repeat itself. At least for that one offspring and coming offspring. All it takes is one person to lift that offspring/fruit or child to a higher, better place. There is no need to worry about the tree getting upset because it is still busy sustaining itself and not really worried about the offspring.
Now, some smart person might ask, “Why not level the field?” Because you have to bring in tons of extra soil (what is needed to grow something) to level the field and some of the original trees might get buried. The smart person asks again “Well, why not move the tree?” Have you ever tried to move a full-grown tree? It takes special equipment and it is a long drawn out process that takes time. Because the tree’s roots are firmly planted in the ground because it has been trying to sustain itself on the hill for so long. The fruit/offspring is easy to carry/lift to level or higher ground.
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…unless it is on a hill. Are you there to catch or help a fallen fruit/offspring? You should and could be. Are you watching a tree on a hill and its fruit roll even lower down the hill? You can do something about it. And most importantly, Are you the tree on the hill trying its hardest to sustain? You can ask for help. People are there to help you and your fallen offspring. It is easy right now for your fallen offspring because they are small and easily shifted. It will be hard for you because as I stated before your roots are firmly deep into the hill to sustain and live. But there are specialists that know how to help you out and can move you too to higher ground.
As a matter of fact Mr. or Ms. Tree you can stop you fruit from rolling down the hill. You have to
be strong and spread you roots and bust out of the thing holding you back. But you still need help to get to higher ground.
This was a long and difficult to understand blog but so was my experience. Take it and learn from it. Pass it on. This could be your first step as
a fruit cultivator.