Sitting on the train last week with a friend of mine and everyone else in the Metro area got me to thinking. There is a major difference in the generations. Even the few years age difference between adolescent, teen, young adult, adult, and mid-but-not-middle aged adults can render drastic changes and differences in the style and development of the person(s). This got my friend and me thinking and we came to the conclusion that we aren’t young anymore. And things need to change with the time, mainly our wardrobe.
The music genre of rap nowadays by any stretch of the imagination lacks just that, an imagination. Skinny jeans have to be the worse fashion statement in all of the land. Like Jamie Foxx said, I need room for my “Boa”(And it is a Boa, probably even Anaconda-ish. You should have seen a pic I took this weekend, I was like 'Man, I'm blessed and I'm not even excited'.) Women need to look like women and act like women. Curves and nicely done hair with subtle accents that complements their face structure. Clothes that hint at the curvaceous and often time voluptuous hips, thighs and chest that men like myself love so much. And, most importantly, cognac that doesn’t burn the mouth upon tasting; rather, just lays on your tongue like a summer’s night with the breeze of an ancient wind with the flowers filling the air with a restrained yet powerful aroma that puts your mind at ease as you gaze upon the heavens and stars with a flickering fire burning oak wood in front of you…But, I digress. The Wardrobe.
As men hovering around the 30 year old mark we need certain clothes for certain situations. First, and foremost, men need a suit at least one(1) but if possible two(2). You need “Ole Faithful” the black suit. It fits any occasion and you will not stick out and look out of place or character. It fits interviews, church, funerals, semi-formal events, etc. The second suit should be either a neutral brownish color or a gray suit. This will be versatile also in the time of need.
Second, men should have at least five (5) pair of slacks. Every occasion doesn’t call for a suit but it might call for slacks. We all now the business casual events and even work that call for men to wear slacks. The slacks are versatile and can be worn with a polo shirt, button down shirt and even a nice t-shirt if accessorized correctly. That brings me to my next point. Men need, at least - if possible, to double the amount of slacks you have with button down shirts. You need to be able to interchange them with the slacks to make your wardrobe appear to be larger than it really is. With this, though, comes the tie. Four (4) ties, everyone knows Friday’s are casual.
The casual side of the man needs several (?) polo shirts. This is another versatile piece of clothing. It can be worn with slacks, khakis, and jeans. Hopefully, get some that go well with all. Jeans are necessary also. At this age we aren’t wearing them as much so we don’t need that many. Maybe four (4) pair. Every man has his favorite pair of jeans from about five years ago so ladies don’t even bother him on these. Some jeans for lounging around are in order, a pair of nice jeans for happy hour or the lounge. Lastly, another for the same reason just stated.
A few (47) t-shirts are needed for lounging and the occasional fashion statement when you feel like being bold. Don’t forget your shorts, jeans, khaki and sportswear (basketball). In addition you need shoes, dress (black, of course) and another to match your other suit and slacks, casual and some sneakers for the exercise that is needed in all men's lives.
Accessories are needed too, watches, cuff links, socks, handkerchiefs, etc. There are many accessories but these are the only that are necessary.
I don’t follow these rules but other men hovering around 30 should. It is just a guideline it’s not set in stone…What? Like you follow the speed limit all the time. If you have any suggestions feel free to comment.