Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Black to the Future
I found it important to begin to go back a bit, and see if my perception was the same as it used to be. In the last two months i've read Randall Robinson's Defending the Spirit, An Unbroken Agony and The Debt; Aime Cesaire's classic text Discourses on Colonialism as well as C.L.R. James's seminal text on the Haitian revolution The Black Jacobins. Today I began Frantz Fanon's Black Skin, White Masks. What i've found out about myself is that most of my past waxings about America, Europe and imperialism were right, but without direction and if you would've called me out about world history then, like made me have to give specific examples of colonial powers and their history of fucking up the world, I would've folded. Of course there are the standard answers; American slavery, South Africa, The Native Americans, Africa in general etc.
But the standard answers in no way get at the specifics; the amount of destruction waged on the recalcitrant native innocents who vowed death before slavery or assimilation, the psuedoscientifc racism used to justify murder, the back room dealings of nations to collaborate with mutlinational businesses to overthrow governments in the name of the almighty dollar; What happens in the light is pale in comparison to what happens on the sun.
Thanks to my father Clyde Miles and my teacher Gaylon Ferguson, I have constantly been made aware that it is not enough to read what is made available to you. It in fact is more important for one to learn how to dig through what is given to you and find out the first hand accounts and perspectives of the people who have lived through tyranny and triumphed if only to write it down so that you don't have to be a slave ever again. Not reading about the lives of people of color during the time of European colonialism is to forget their sacrifice and the lesson that no power will concede without being forced to. It is disrespectful to all people of color, in that it allows the imperial powers to continue their compassionate neocolonialism without being checked by those who know that it's a very old story; people don't want Western influence get branded as bad guys, terrorists, populists etc.; imperialists use media and fringe rebel groups in country to create instability and overthrow populist head; populist head gets overthrown and kills countless dissenters; populist head rapes country until either they make too much noise and need to be silenced by imperialist or gets overthrown by the people. By this time billions of dollars and millions of lives have been lost, usually to line the coffers of those who's only concern is to live a life free from having to know what it means to struggle.
I don't know how long my reading addiction will last, but it feels good and I know it's something I and every adult with melanin ought to do. Dedicate yourself to reading one book at a time and choose a book that will give you insight into the beginning, middle and end of a people of color's struggle. Pick a Latin American, Carribean, or African nation and read about how it was colonized. Get books that give you first hand accounts; it is not only angering and intriguing to hear about the tragedies they befell but also of the immense spirit they possessed at fighting powers that often militarily seemed invincible. But above all read between the lines. Look for the interconnectedness for it is there that you will see that the tale you have read, and will read again.
All claims of ownership are admissions of theft. All things are stolen or come from something that has been stolen. That is simply because all things have to come from somewhere. Similarly all things that are created are theives. They take; money, time, resources... I say this to highlight the importance of sharing as our ancestors did. When we read let it be information worthy of sharing and let us share without merely being voyeurs. Let us read more fundamental wisdom from our ancestors instead of books that entertain or tell us about the latest self help cure. Underneath the creation and destruction of nations lies the crushed lessons of humanity. We are often too busy accumulating and appropriating to see that if we sit still with what has already happened, with what we already know, the fate of us all will spontaneously arise encouraging haste to prepare for yesterday's tommorow.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Slept on: Liberation

A dream defered is a dream denied. So, don't deny yourself... One of a few stand out's in an otherwise lackluster 07. More of an EP than an LP from Madlib and Kweli, it's a can't miss combination. I don't hear enough people talking about this... it was a free download then, and here it is again.
You make the call...
The Bilderberg Club, which has been surrounded in secrecy for the last 50 years, has concluded its annual session in Greece. Alex Jones, one of America’s most famous radio hosts, shed some light on what kind of fraternity is it and what its aims are.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Who says MNF isn't the scene for any Child's Play ?

TK revealed that the upcoming slate of games, this season, would have him in a ‘perfect storm that would’ve frequently moved me from the bus to the air' (with him not being a fan of flying like John Madden). Although TK wasn’t perfect by any means, he was able to infuse his brand of comedy into the broadcast each week to correspond with the dead-eye accuracy of play-by-play man, Mike Tirico, and the sharp game analyzing from Ron Jaworski. Those 3 seemed to be a match made in heaven (and didn’t even need to know the words to Ave Maria).
From the times that “Chucky” has been on the NFL Network he has been very good, so I don’t feel that his addition will be a match made in hell like it was when Dennis Miller joined the cast.
All we can hope for is that Tony starts back up his Redskins “Bandwagon” columns from the '91 season.
Well, I'll be God Dame ...

Yesterday, President Obama gave the commencement address at Notre Dame University amid a chorus of hecklers and anti-abortion groups. I am not going to use this as the platform to stoke any further flames to this abortion debate, especially when I feel that the university has much more dire issues to attend do.
Namely, that your head football coach looks as though he is 2 pecan twirls away from being on an album cover looking like this guy. Especially when you are on the sidelines during a game calling for a Papa John's thin crust pizza. I mean, I know Papa John's thin crust is jammin on the 1, but come on man.
Oh, but here is Prez's speech yesterday for those who may have missed it.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Yes you can ... Late night worship service ...!!!

I mean this dood said "lyrically I'm bananas, my tongue moves like Hindu belly dancers performing Tantra" WHAT ?!? Some things just perplex me ...
"I'm too busy trying to concentrate, grab you by the face and lay hands on you like Ma$e / cause when the Saints come marching in, he'll be flossin in the clothes he bought wit the money from the offering " Oh well ...
Awww Shit... it's Shitao!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009
You'll Eat Whose Children ???

This is just a quick response to the earlier post by my fellow correspondent on Tyson. We had a little debate the other day with each other on the "relevance" of Mike Tyson in the history of boxing. It is my opinion that Mike was only relevant from November 22, 1986 (when he beat Trevor Berbick to become the youngest heavyweight champion in history) to February 11, 1990 (when he lost to Buster Douglas in Tokyo, Japan) basically by default. I would say that his only true relevance in boxing history was being the reason 'Mike Tyson's Punchout' was created.
Due to no fault of his own, the heavyweight division was void of any challengers for the so-called "Baddest Man on the Planet". Beating the likes of Michael Spinks, Tony Tubbs and Larry Holmes in the ring is the equivalent of him beating Michael Jackson, Tony Danza, and Larry from Three's Company. As he admits in one of the clips from the movie, Tyson won the majority of his fights from the fear that he was able to instill in his opponents even before they walked into the ring. Leading many a fighter to resemble Glass Joe against Mike.
Once Buster Douglas (who after beating Mike, became so big he was immediately cast as 'The Human Beatbox' for the new Fat Boys documentary) defeated Tyson, the aura of invincibility that he once had was now gone. Once that happened, Mike began looking more like Bald Bull in the ring.
It was after this where boxers began exposing him for being a great and awesome puncher but just an average, at best, fighter. If you need any evidence, just ask Lennox Lewis.
And Lennox did that without knowing the "up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-B-A-select-start" code. (or was that Contra?)
Haiti: Educate Yourself

Haiti became fucked up after France demanded reparations for getting there asses kicked, and supported by the Western powers
was bankrupted and forced to install dictators up until the late 20th century. Aristide (the first democratically elected president of Haiti, kidnapped by America in 2004) hoped to bring all of that to an end. But of course the West don't like those who don't bow down to them.
Read this book Sheeple; educate yourself and others. It's a great read and necessary for those who think they know the extent that America will go to to maintain domainance around the globe.
Now that I have your attention... Seize them at once you fools!!!

Steal This Book...Again

If you don't know who this white guy is you should. His name is Abbie Hoffman and for a greater part of the sixties and seventies he was a thorn in the side of the American government.
What if his name was Luther instead of Mike?

Here is Mike Tyson on Mike Tyson... a very interesting look at the life and times of Mr. Tyson... Check it out. Seven part download, but well worth it.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
"Lennox Lewis, I'm coming for you man. My style is impetuous. My defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat his children. Praise be to Allah!"
Left, Right, Left...
In Game 7 Fury is Unleashed and the Red is Rocked to Sleep

We all have had occasions when we get so revved up and excited about a certain event. I don't know, maybe you had been eyeing and fantasizing over a woman in your office for 13 months thinking of the right thing to say to her to woo her but then she asks you for the time one day and you drool all over your tie. Or you are on your fourth date with someone and she decides to go home with you then you get her in the bed and then after 3 seconds - DOWN GOES FRAZIER, DOWN GOES FRAZIER !!! Well game 7 last night proved to be that as, after 8 seconds, the Washington Capitals were done.
It was in that 8 seconds that first Sidney Crosby shot a quick flick-of-the-wrist goal and then before you could say LET ME GO TINKLE REAL QUICK BEFORE PLAY STARTS AGAIN, the Pittsburgh Penguins had scored again. And it was at that moment that all of the air was let out of the collective Verizon Center tire. Alex Ovechkin, who Pittsburgh did a great job of defensing in the deciding game, did manage to sneak the puck past the glove of Marc-Andre' Fleury in the 2nd period. But by then, it was a little too late and the Pens would skate on to a 6-2 victory. Leaving the usually boisterous Verizon Center crowd, sounding as quiet as a Sunday morning mass. And the game that this town was so excited for proved to be very anti-climactic.
So the moral of this story is ... before you get too excited...try to maintain your composure so that excitement doesn't come too quick and you're not sitting there blown after just 8 seconds.
Men named Richard who choose to be called Dick are gay ...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Obligatory Gratuitous DOOM Post

It's all Smurfy

The good folks over at Mexican-taint were a life saver with this one. Figured I would pass it on... It is a supremely good look for those of you who have trial versions of Microsoft Office that are about to expire.
Office 2007 Enterprise Blue Edition
There's quite a big chance that you've never heard of this Blue Edition, because as the NFO says it is only available to equipment manufacturers and not to the general public and is very rare.
This is the copy from the original disk, which is (as said before) only accessible to technicians of Microsoft.
This version of Microsoft Office 2007 will never appear for sale, since this is the only version where there is no need for a serial. This version also doesn't need an activation. The installer is very simple, undetailed and handy. The interface of application is completely changed, it is modernized and practically reminds in no way to the previous versions.In a few minutes the software will be installed on your computer, without any questions or other things that slow down the installation.
Office Enterprise 2007 is the most complete Microsoft toolset provided for people who must collaborate with others and work with information efficiently, regardless of location or network status. Office Enterprise 2007 builds on the strengths of Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007, adding Microsoft Office Groove 2007 and Microsoft Office OneNote 2007, enabling people to collaborate and create, manage, and use information more efficiently.
This collection includes:
Access 2007
Excel 2007
Groove 2007
InfoPath 2007
OneNote 2007
Outlook 2007
PowerPoint 2007
Publisher 2007
Word 2007
All programs can be installed on Windows XP and Vista.
Burn this with either Power ISO, Nero, Ultra ISO, Magic ISO...there's so many app to burn this as an image file at the slowest speed.Works 100%, no key, no activation required.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Insane in the DJ Frane

last winter and have listened to him if not daily, then weekly... If you like good samples and weed, and good weed and samples then this is for you. While all three albums are sonically solid, I must admit that I am partial to the "Electric Garden of Delights" with it's standouts like "Superscent" and "I am Dreaming." However all three offerings are DOPE.
Fantastic Boatride
Journey to the Planet of Birds
Electric Garden of Delights
Monday, May 11, 2009
Mindstate Mixtape

DJ Jayceeoh Super 7 Mixtape Volume 2

DJ Jayceeoh has put together another roster of all stars for the second installment of the Super 7 mixtape series. DJ’s Fashen (PHX), Spider (LA), Bladerunners (BOS), Illo (Canada), Excel (PHI), and Vin Sol (SF) each commandeer ten minutes for a variety of original production, edits, blends, scratches, juggles, and mash-up ranging from hip hop to electro to indie to classic and featuring artists like Santogold, Sinden, Architecture in Helsinki, and LMFAO. This excellent concept results in another album quality mix that fully represents the North American sound coast to coast.
Full tracklisting after the jump.
1. SUPER 7 - Intro
2. My Sweet Summer / Pitbull - Crazy Killer (JayCeeOh Edit)
3. Mann Parish - Boogie Down Bronx (JayCeeOh Edit)
4. Pass That Dutch - Missy Elliot (JayCeeOh Edit)
5. Jackson sisters - Believe in Miracles / Manboogie - Leave your Fears (JayCeeOh Edit)
6. Swizz beats / Diana Ross - My Hero Is a gun / Rob Base - Joy and Pain (JayCeeOh Edit)
7. Midfielf General - Disco Direns / B-beat Girls - For the Same Man (JayCeeOh Edit)
8. Diplo Alt Clown Inst / Twista - Wetter (JayCeeOh Edit)
9. PQ - Jack Yo BFs G (JayCeeOh Edit)
10. Goody! Goody! (JayCeeOh + PQ) - Leggo a Dis One
11. Fashen Intro
12. Champion (Catchdubs Jeep Mix) - Kanye West
13. Sunshowers Blend - M.I.A.
14. Wrath Of My Swagger - TI vs. Queen Latifah
15. Gimme The Loot Blend - Notorious BIG
16. Arab Money vs. Shook Ones II Re-Fix - Busta Rhymes vs. Mobb Deep
17. Shook - Fashen
18. Im The Shit Remix - Dj Class Feat. Lil Jon
19. Donna Pops Champagne - Knish Hit Squad
20. Step Into vs. Juicy - Trap House vs. Notorious BIG
21. On The Bugged Tip Blend - Big Daddy Kane vs. G-Dep
22. MVP Blend - Big L vs. Santogold and Jay-Z
23. My President Is Black (DC Remix) - Jay-Z
24. Yay Let’s Dance Intro - Dj Illo
25. Don’t Touch Me (Illo Disco Edit) - Busta Rhymes
26. Don’t Touch Me (U-Tern Disco Edit) - Busta Rhymes
27. Shove It (Grandtheft Disco Edit) - Santigold
28. Domino (Illo Remix) - Van Morrison
29. I Go To Work (Illo Remix) - Kool Moe Dee
30. Tribe Vibes (Illo Edit) - Jungle Brothers vs Sinden
( ,
31. A-Skillz - Strawberry Fields Forever (Remix)
32. Mayer Hawthorne - Maybe so, Maybe no
33. The New Holidays - Maybe so, maybe no
34. Mountaineers - Apart from This vs. Brand Nubian - Don’t Let It (DJ Spider Remix)
35. Cold War Kids - Hospital Beds Break
36. DJ Spider’s Super 7 Saturday Sample Mix (bunch of songs)
37. Mr Magic - Rappin with Mr. Magic vs. Cherrelle - Saturday Love (DJ Spider Remix)
38. Architecture In Helsinki - Heart it Races (Trizzy’s Tin Can Mix)
39. The Virgins - Rich Girls (Remix by The Beatards, The Twelves & XXXchange) vs Super Lover Cee & Cassanova Rud - I got a good thing (DJ Spider Edit)
40. Roxanne Shante - Wiggle it (DJ Steve1der Remix)
41. LMFAO - I’m In Miami Bitch (Smash Bros Remix - DJs Spider, Steve1der & Mr. Best)
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42. Cookie Monsterz f. Tyree Cooper - Hip Housin’ (Kid Massive Remix)
43. Eric B & Rakim/Cookie Monsterz - I Know You Got Soul (Excel Edit)
44. Jokers Of The Scene - Baggy Bottom Boys
45. Diplo & Laidback Luke - Hey! (V.01)
46. Shinichi Osawa vs. Salt n Pepa - Push It (Tronik Youth Remix/Excel Says Push It Edit)
47. Simian Mobile Disco - Hustler (Jesse Rose Remix)
48. Peter, Bjorn & John - Nothing To Worry About (Steven Bloodbath Remix)
49. Excelara8or - Shake’em Down
50. Biggie - Party and BS (BLADERUNNER ReMix)
51. Wu Tang - Mystery of ESG (BLADERUNNER ReMix)
52. Big Daddy Kane - Warm it up Edits (BLADERUNNER EDIT)
53. BLADERUNNERS - Brazilion Edits
54. Herbie Hancock - Rockit (BLADERUNNER EDIT)
55. SoHo - Hot Music (BLADERUNNER EDIT)
56. Vin Sol -Pass the Peas Intro
57. Traxamillion -808 (Vin Sol refix)
58. San Quinn - Blue Dolphin
59. Turf Talk - We All Getting Paid (Vin Sol Remix)
60. Keak da Sneak - Blurpt
61. Trackademicks- Enjoy What You Do
62. Sergio Mendes Brasil ‘88- I’ll Tell U (Vin Sol re-edit)
63. The Jacka,Lee Majors ft.Mistah F.A.B -I’m a Gobot
64. Born and Raised- Bammer Weed
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Hoopz Upside Your Head

So...since you girls CLEARLY want us to check out your toned, buttery, curvaceous bodies here's that clip of the Hoopz sex tape.
Fuck you Hoopz. You know what you're doing. You and them other two. Yall know.
Spider Goat

Question: What is your government doing with your hard earned tax money?
Answer: Spider Goat!
Question: What is a Spider Goat?
Cool Points: Ceu

Expand your catalog!!!
Six Degrees Records
Just when you think that Brazil must surely have exhausted its supply of irresistibly jazzy, funky, sexy, soulful electro-pop singer-songwriters, someone like CéU comes along and makes you think that maybe that particular well is bottomless after all.Her full name is Maria do Céu Whitaker Poças, but she goes by the simpler moniker CéU. It's a name that can be translated into English in a couple of subtly but significantly different ways. CéU means either "sky" or "heaven," depending on context, and either translation applies quite nicely in this case: think of her as "Sky" when you hear the soft blue clarity of her voice, or "Heaven" when one of her sweetly bubbling melodic hooks takes you by surprise and makes you shiver with delight. CéU's U.S. debut comes hot on the heels of a Latin Grammy nomination for "best new artist" of 2006. She is also riding high on a wave of international success in France, where the influential Les Inrockuptibles recognized her as one of the top 5 musical revelations of 2005, Holland, and Italy, as well as in Canada, where she was recently the fourth highest-selling artist for the Archambault chain of music shops while simultaneously holding the number 32 slot on the pop charts. Originally issued in 2005 on the São Paulo-based Urban Jungle label Jungle and Beto Villares' Ambulante Discos, CéU was picked up by Six Degrees when members of the staff heard the album and found themselves entranced by the warm, fresh sound of her voice.
Enjoy Ceu. Born...give me my fuckin CD back.
The Education of Sonny Carson

I got a message for Smokey...
Give it!!
you Smokey man?
Give IT!!
If you aint Smokey it aint your muvafuckin message...
If you were listening to good Hiphop at all in the mid nineties you were bound to hear samples from The Education of Sonny Carson, the true life story of his rough upbringing, gang membership and attempts to survive in post civil rights America. The movie was allegedly made on a million dollar budget and they used the residents of the neighborhood as extras, so it feels authentic. At times it'll make you laugh, as some of "Sonny's" faces are highly overexaggerated, but they don't overshadow the seriousness of the reality of the inner cities in 1974.
Most notably Ghostface Killa, Lauren Hill and Common have sampled the flick. The best sample by far being the pep talk that takes place before the big gang fight..."sucka think he good, sucka think he can woop me..i know he can't woop me, i know he can't...hey boy, the nigga whole style is chump...Classic.
But Hiphop is more than entertainment. Enjoy the music, live the message.
Wacth the movie sheeple.
Enjoy. 2 parts at megaupload.
Pt. 1
Pt. 2